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公益財団法人 日本科学協会

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Cubic Earth

Typhoon Supports Life on Cubic Earth

Typhoon carrys nourishment

In the sea, phytoplankton breed, the zooplanktons gather to eat them, the small fishes crowd together to eat them, and the large fishes come targeting them. Since phytoplankton cannot grow without sunshine, most of sea lives make living near the surface. After they die, the corpse will be sunk into the deep ocean and decomposed.

The sea life absorb an element (nourishment) required to make the body at the sea surface, and will drop it on deep sea. Therefore, a mechanism of pumping up deep-sea water to the surface is essential for the sea life. It is called upwelling where the bioproductivity is very high and good place for fishing.

On the cubic Earth, a typhoon which is always in the same place and pump up the deep sea water to the surface. The pumped seawater fully contains nourishment and makes a very good fishery there.

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