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公益財団法人 日本科学協会

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Cubic Earth

Introduction for Environment of the Cubic Earth

The Earth is unique in our Universe

The Earth is a sphere 70% of whose surface is covered by the oceans. The rest of the surface is covered by lands. The atmosphere covers the whole surface. We have days and nights in the atmosphere. We also experience various weathers and the seasonal change. Probably there is no other planet that has properties like the Earth. This means that we live the unique natural environment in the whole space.

The Earth environment depends on the shape of the Earth. If the shape of the Earth is cubic, we have the Earth environment quite different from the real Earth. This project aims to investigate what kind of natural environment we would have, if the shape of the Earth were cubic. We believe that understanding on the real Earth environment will be deepened by investigating such a hypothetical problem.

Atmosphere and Oceans in the Cubic Earth

The atmosphere covers the whole surface of the real Earth. On the contrary, the atmosphere on the cubic Earth is concentrated at the center of each square which consists of the cube. We assume that the equal amount of the atmosphere shares the 6 squares. On the other hand, we do not have a large oceans, if the sea water is divided in 6 parts, so that we assume that the whole volume of the sea water is located on one particular square which has no pole.

We investigate the atmospheric environment of the square without the oceans in Part 1. In Part 2, we will investigate the atmospheric environment with the oceans.

Life of Cubic Earth

On the Earth where we are now living, it is believed that the life was born in the sea in 3.8--4.0 billion years ago. About 0.4 billion years before, the life invaded to land from the sea. Then highly diversified ecosystems have now been developed both in the sea and on land on the Earth.

Even though human beings are at the top of Earth ecosystem now, they were dinosaurs in 0.15--0.20 billion years ago. Looking back the evolution history of life on the Earth, highly diversified species evolved and many of them became extinct along with changes in the species of top of ecosystem. This might also be true for human being, but nobody knows how long we human being can dominate on the Earth in the future.

On the cubic Earth, 3 groups of organisms such as plants, animals and heterotrophic microorganisms are expected as on the Earth. All 3 groups are assumed to be in the sea but there are only 2 groups excluding animals on land. As the top of ecosystem on the cubic Earth, the people “cubicites”, who have slightly advanced science and technology than the people on the Earth are assumed. The body size of each people on the cubic Earth is set as similar to the people on the Earth.

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